Contact Us, We will assist you

 If you reach out to us, a member of our team will contact you to learn more about how we can help within 24-hours. 

Contact us to start the admission process

Give us a call and we assist you in starting your recovery journey. We can be reached at 702-780-0822
You can also, submit the form below and our admissions team will follow up with a phone call.

Mailing Address
PO BOX 13833 LAS VEGAS, NV 89112




calm person with hands at heart

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COVID-19 Updates from The Fearless Kind

While social distancing is necessary to stay safe and healthy during this COVID-19 pandemic, we understand the risks of isolation associated with those living with an addiction or eating disorder. The Fearless Kind is still open and accepting new patients at this time! If you or a loved one is struggling, we are here to help. While treatment is a big commitment, it may be one of the safest places to be during these challenging times.